A total of 19 transactions were registered at the exchange trades
Last week, 19 transactions were registered at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.
For foreign currency, entrepreneurs from the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Uk...
Last year, the volume of industrial production at current prices amounted to nearly 25.7 billion manats
In our country, the stable prosperity and well-being of the people are based on the dynamic development of the economy. In the past year, the volume of industrial production at current prices reach...
Turkmenistan plans to completely eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
Oil and Gas Sector
The large-scale investment projects being implemented in Turkmenistan's oil and gas sector are a result of the energy policy pursued under the lead...
Esteemed President Approves State Program for the Development of Turkmenistan's Library System for 2025–2029
In the era of the Revival of the new epoch of a powerful state, with the aim of preserving national publishing products and books as the spiritual wealth of the Turkmen people under modern conditio...